Payment Instruction

Currently, Evertrip is providing many convenient payment methods for customers.

Bank transfer

Bank transfer is the most popular form of payment at Evertrip. To pay by bank transfer, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Choose the payment method “Bank transfer” when booking a tour or service on the Evertrip website.

When customers choose the payment method “Bank transfer”, Evertrip will send detailed information about the order and Evertrip’s bank account via email or phone message.

Evertrip’s bank account information includes:

  • Bank name: Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (Vietcombank)
  • Branch: Nha Trang Branch
  • Account number: 0061003123
  • Account owner: Vo Gia Khanh

Step 2: Make a transfer according to the information received.

Customers please make a transfer according to Evertrip’s bank account information. When transferring money, customers please clearly state the transfer content as “Phone number – Customer name – Order code”.

For example:

  • Phone number: 0909123123
  • Customer name: Nguyen Van A
  • Order code: 123456

=> Transfer content: 0909123123 – Nguyen Van A – 123456

Step 3: Send payment confirmation to Evertrip

After making the transfer, please send payment confirmation to Evertrip. Payment confirmation needs to include the following information:

  • Customer name
  • Phone number
  • Order number
  • Transfer amount
  • Image or screenshot of transfer documents

Evertrip will confirm payment and send confirmation information to customers as soon as possible.

Note: Evertrip will only confirm payment when receiving money into your account.

Payment to the tour guide

In some cases, customers will be required to pay the tour guide directly when participating in the tour or service. Pay the tour guide according to the confirmed information about the service package. When paying, please check your payment information before making payment.


Evertrip is not responsible in case a customer mistakenly pays someone else.

Payment support

If customers have any questions or need payment support, please contact Evertrip through the following channels:

Phone: 0921.121.318